
Scratch that. A resolution implies impending failure, doesn’t it? In essence it’s saying “I’m really going to make it happen. Really I am. No matter the odds!” It’s that odds thing at the end that dooms it from the start. It suggests that we don’t really believe that things are going to go the way we would like them to. It implies that we are going to have to fight our every impulse in order to make it happen. It sounds exhausting from the get go. Nevermind.

Intention sounds better. It’s not quite so frantic. There is an openness about it that leaves room for adjustment and creativity. It further allows the Universe to conspire on our behalf. Yet my preferred word is vision. In the words of Conversations With God:

“The purpose of life is to create your Self anew, in the next grandest version of the greatest vision ever you held about Who You Are.” – God

With that in mind, Shannon and I have for years been attending the Burning Bowl Service at Unity of Houston on New Year’s Eve. It’s a two part ceremony. In part one you write down everything that you want to release to close out the year. Then you throw your list into the fire. In part two you set your vision for the new year. For me this is neither a declaration of who I want to be or even who I intend to be. It’s a declaration of who I am. It is the greatest vision that I can muster for myself in the moment.

So since we did not make the trip down to Houston for the holidays, Shannon and I performed the ceremony at home last night. I had a lot more time to think about both lists, so they both got quite long – 18 items each! I notice that each year I get better at my release and more daring in my vision. Watch out 2020!!! Just sayin.

I am not going to share either list with you as they have both been released to the Universe at this point. After I finish my vision, I place it under the altar in our meditation room. Now since we moved this year, I was a little shocked to discover that my 2019 vision had made the move and found itself back under the altar. So what I will do is share that vision with you now. Here goes:

The top of the page that Unity gave us said this, “Dear God, I co-create with you the following intentions for 2019…”

  • a new beginning and new home in Vermont (check)
  • a new job which will better support me in playing my role in healing the planet (check… more news forthcoming!)
  • an expanded, fully creative version of myself (check)
  • a new, joyous experience of everyday life (progress made!)
  • light-heartedness (progress made here too)
  • a free spirit (and here too)
  • a deep, sacred interbeing, or at least recognition thereof, with everyone who crosses my path (this is definitely escalating)
  • writing that serves our collective evolution and salvation (check)
  • Heaven on Earth (well, I never said I wasn’t ambitious!)

At the bottom of the paper it says “This or something better.” This year marked a major life transition for me on so many levels. The Universe is fully supporting me in my becoming, and I am so grateful. The best way that I can express that gratitude is by continuing to release all that no longer serves me while expanding my vision of Who I Really Am. I know that when I sit here next year looking at my 2020 list, I will be checking the extraordinary state of Being in my vision. Won’t you join me?

2 thoughts on “Resolution”

  1. Shelly, each year several women (we are all rural) get together for the Solstice. This year we had a circle around a fire (outdoors) on the 21st of December to share our letting go of 2019 and what no longer serves us and our intention for the new year. We had a talking stick so that each person could have full open space to share with love surrounding them. I hope in 2020 I can hold the circle at my home. I love that you and Shannon continued this beautiful tradition! Hugs and love!

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